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A to Z List of Domino Games

Here is a comprehensive directory of domino games listed alphabetically with entries for alternative names, the type of domino set used, number of players, game category, etc.

If you're new to playing dominoes, or need reminding about the basic principles of domino play, see the Domino Basics Introduction - Conventions and Guidelines, which will explain the fundamental basic skills and principles that are common to most domino games. Once you've learnt the basics of domino play, you can explore the website links and learn how to play allsorts of different domino games that will appeal to a vast range of tastes.

If you come across a domino-related term, phrase, or word that you don't understand while reading the game instructions, then you can always check the Domino Glossary for an explanation.


Set Type
Player No
Other Requirements
Game Type

3s 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Point
3s & 5s 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Point
3 Dozen 6s 2-5 Stakes Card
4-Hand Texas (Texas 42) 6s 4 Score Sheet Card
5s 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Point
5-Up 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Point
5-Up Solitaire 6s 1 Score Sheet Solitaire
11 Point Black Tile 6s 3-4 Score Sheet Card
12s (Polka Dot) 6s-18s 1 Solitaire
42 (Texas 42) 6s 4 Score Sheet Card
79 2x6s 6 Score Sheet Card
80 6sx2 4 Score Sheet Card
88 (Texas 88) 6sx2 6 Score Sheet Card

Add-Em-Up-Fifty 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Point
Allies (Block) 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
All Fives 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Point
All Sevens (Matador) 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
All Threes 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Point
Auction Draw 6s 2-4 Stakes/chips Block
Austrian Dominoes 9s 2-3 Score Sheet Block

Barbarian Tablets (Ho-Hpai) Chinese 3-4 Stakes Korean
Baronet 6s+ 1 Solitaire
Big Clock 12s 1 Solitaire
Bingo 6s 2 Score Sheet Card
Blackjack (Twenty-One) 6s 2-5 Stakes Card
Blind Dominoes (Blind Hughie) 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Blind Hughie 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Blind-Man Block (Blind Hughie) 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Block Dominoes (Block) 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Block Game, The (Block) 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Block Dominoes With Buying (Draw) 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Buccaneer 6s 1 Solitaire
Build Up 6s 2+ Score Sheet Other
Bull Fighting Chinese 3-6+ Stakes Chinese

Castle Rock 6s 1 Solitaire
Canton 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Card
Chickefoot 6s+ 2+ Score Sheet Block
Concentration 6s+ 2+ Card
Collecting Dominoes 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Card
Collecting Tens Chinesexn 2+ Stakes Chinese
Cosmic Turtle Chinese 1 Solitaire
Cribbage 6s 2 Cribbage board Card
Cross 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Cuban Dominoes 9s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Cyprus 9s 2-10 Score Sheet Block

Dancing Dragons Chinese 2-4 Korean
Decimal (Seven Rocks) 6s 4 Score Sheet Point
Divide & Conquer 6s+ 2   Card
Domino Big-Six (Draw) 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Domino Pool 6s+ Stakes Block
Domino Rounce (Texas 42) 6s 4 Score Sheet Card
Double Bergen 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Point
Double Draw 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Double-Hand Dominoes 6s 2-8 Stakes Card
Doubles 6s+ 2+ Block
Double-Six Dominoes (Draw) 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Draw 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Draw Dominoes (Draw) 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Draw Game, The (Draw) 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Draw & Drink 6s 4+ Drink Other

Eighty 6sx2 4 Score Sheet Card
Eighty-Eight (Texas 88) 6sx2 6 Score Sheet Card
Eleven Point Black Tile 6s 3-4 Score Sheet Card
Ends 6s 2-5 Score Sheet Block
Euchre 6s 2-4   Card

Fair Lucy 6s 1 Solitaire
Fives 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Point
Five-Up 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Point
Five-Up Solitaire 6s 1 Score Sheet Solitaire
Flower & Scorpion 6s 2-4 Dice & Chips Point
Fortress 9s 4 or 6 Score Sheet Block
Four Hand  Texas (Texas 42) 6s 4 Score Sheet Card
Freeze Out 6s 2-8 Card

Gallinazo 6s   Score Sheet Block
Gaple 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Good Neighbours 12s,9s,6s     Solitaire

Halves & Doubles 6s 4+ Drink Drinking
Heaven And Nine Chinese Stakes Chinese
High Fives 15s Point
High Rise Dominoes 6s     Other
Ho Hpai Chinese 2-4 Stakes Korean
Horse Race 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Hungarian Dominoes 6s 2-4 Block

Italian Dominoes 6s 2-5 Card

Jubilee, The 6s 1   Solitaire

K'ap T'ai Shap (Collecting Tens) Chinesexn 2+ Stakes Chinese

Kkro-ri Pout-tchi-ki (Tail Joining)

Chinese 2-4 Stakes Korean
Kôi-Ye-Si Chinese 2-10 Stakes Chinese

Latin American Match Dominoes 6s 4 Score Sheet Block
Leyden 6s 2 Score Sheet Block
Loo 6s 2-4 Stakes Card
Luzon 6s 1 Solitaire

Make Nine (Pai Gow) Chinese 4+ Stakes Chinese
Malakoff (Sebastopol) 6s 2-6 Score Sheet Block
Master Dominoes (Matador) 6s 2-6 Score Sheet Block
Matador 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Match and Drink 6s 4+ Drink Other
Mexican Train 9s - 18s 2+ Score Sheet Block
Moon 6s 3-4 Score Sheet Card

Nello (Nel-O Scoring Var') 6s   Score Sheet Card
Nel-O (Scoring Variation) 6s   Score Sheet Card
Nillo (Nel-O Scoring Var') 6s   Score Sheet Card


Pai Gow Chinese 4+ Stakes Chinese
Pai Jo (Pai Gow) Chinese 4+ Stakes Chinese
Pai Kow (Pai Gow) Chinese 4+ Stakes Chinese
Patience 6s 1 Solitaire
Plunge (Scoring Variation) 6s   Score Sheet Card
Polka Dot 6s-18s 1 Solitaire
Pontoon (Twenty-One) 6s 2-5 Stakes Card


Racehorse (Seven Toed Pete) 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Point
Round the Clock 6s 2-5 Score Sheet Block
Russian Cross (Matador) 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Russian Dominoes (Matador) 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block

Sebastopol 6s 2-6 Score Sheet Block
Secret Dominoes (Blind Hughie) 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Sedma 6s 4 Score Sheet Point
Seven Go (Seven Toed Pete) 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Point
Seven Rocks 6s 4 Score Sheet Point
Sevens-Up (Matador) 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Seven Toed Pete 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Point
Seventy-Nine 2x6s 6 Score Sheet Card
Single Spinner (Seven Rocks) 6s 4 Score Sheet Point
Slosh 6s 4 Score Sheet Block
Sniff 6s+ 2+ Cribbage Board Point
Squeeze 6s 1 Solitaire
Stack 6s 1 Solitaire
Stack 'Em Up 6s-18s 2+ Other
Straight Dominoes 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Block
Stretch 6s+ Score Sheet Block
Sultan, The 6s 1 Solitaire
Super Dominoes 15s 2+ Score Sheet Block
Sympathy 6s 1 Solitaire

Tail Joining Chinese 2-4 Stakes Korean
Tau Ngau (Bull Fighting) Chinese 3-6 Stakes Chinese
Texas 42 6s 4 Score Sheet Card
Texas 88 6sx2 6 Score Sheet Card
Texas Dominoes (Seven Rocks) 6s 4 Score Sheet Point
Threes 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Point
Threes and Fives 6s 2-4 Score Sheet Point
Three Dozen 6s 2-5 Stakes Card
Tiddle-A-Wink (Tiddly-Wink) 6s  -6 Score Sheet Block
Tiddly-Wink 6s 2-6 Score Sheet Block
Traffic 6s 9s 12s 1 Solitaire
Twelves (Polka Dot) 6s 1 Solitaire
Twenty-One 6s 2-5 Stakes Card
Twist'em 6s 2-8 Stakes Card


Ving-Et-Un (Twenty-One) 6s 2-5 Stakes Card






Learn the A to Z of how to make pancakes with Kulick's pancake recipes.




Visit For An A to Z List Of Dice Games

Caveat: You may know or come across some of the games described on domino-play with slightly different rules or possibly with a different name.  Remember, there are no official rules for dominoes and variations on domino games are common.  Feel free to play the various rules you are comfortable with and use the game descriptions here as a rough guide and general resource.
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